NINE-Chapter 1.6

“Why did I buy that?” Talus questions his sanity as he makes bad life decisions. During the walk back to his house, he was practically dragging it on the ground. Actually, not practically, he was dragging it back and making a trail on the way. He didn’t know why, he just decided to do it. It’s like when you go to a horse race and say, “Screw it. I’m gonna bet all my money.” and the horse you bet on wins you say, “I knew it!” Not really a good analogy, but whatever.

So when the main character questions his sanity you’re near to the end of the novel ’cause it always goes like this: There some weird twist, and it turns out the main character was doing the bad thing all along but they still somehow save the world. But I’m not that kind of guy so I won’t do it. There will still be weird twists though.

Back to the man in question, kay? Talus gazed at the sword. Whether to keep it at home or keep it with him was a hard question. Keeping it at home made him have less weight to worry about, since having little weight was important for his true job. It getting stolen was no problem; it was too heavy. Talus himself took half an hour to drag it to his home and the black market was only a three minute walk from his home. Along the way he had wondered how the old man possibly got it up for display before his mind remembered a fact. A fact that would make everything make a lot of sense.

The fact will be revealed in the next chapter, because I need people to read my chapters.

Keeping it with him would make sure he was around when it’s special powers awakened, if it even could. But Talus was a risk taker! So he said, “Screw it. I’m gonna bet all my money.” (Not that he was at a horse race. Maybe he was. Nobody knows. Perhaps No one knows. I’m gonna go meet with him.)

So for next few days he sat on his bed doing nothing. His house was quite empty, nothing you would expect from a guy that threw away two years worth of salary for something that was worth 2/6 of it.

There was a bed (already mentioned), a chair, and a table. The ceiling was so short that if Talus stood to his full height, his head would hit the ceiling and the cuboid stretched as far as his arms could reach, which was pretty far.

As for why he was waiting; it was part of his job. He expected to hear the news soon, saying, “Domos household takes in poison, none survive.” And sure enough, he was right. While he was eating out one day, he over heard a conversation between two young men. One said, “I heard the Domos family was assassinated”

The other quickly asked a barrage of questions and talus only caught on to a few of them, like “Who did It?” and “Was it him?” The him in the later was celebrity very famous and everyone knew him. Of course, there’s no need to ask. You all know who it’s gonna be.

Hearing that conversation was enough for him. He stood up and left the restaurant without hearing the rest and left for his home.

One thought on “NINE-Chapter 1.6

  1. So when the main character questions his sanity you’re near to the end of the novel ’cause it always goes like this: There some weird twist, and it turns out the main character was doing the bad thing all along but they still somehow save the world. But I’m not that kind of guy so I won’t do it. There will still be weird twists though.
    Author-san please stop breaking the forth wall… put it in parentheses! Totallyy helps…


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